Electric saws Bosch GCM, GTM, GTA, GTS, etc.
Electric saws are multi-blade cutting tools designed for sawing wood materials. Chain saws are used for harvesting firewood from logs of small diameter, for performing work in the garden of any level of complexity, as well as a variety of carpentry tasks. The advantage of such a tool is the absence of exhaust gases, thanks to this, a chain saw can be operated even in an unventilated room.
Jigsaw saws are electric tools designed for cutting and sawing patterns.Models: GST 160 CE, 160 BCE, 1400 CE, 1400 BCE, 150 CE, 150 BCE, 90 E, 90 BE.
Panel saws are designed for precise sawing of wide workpieces.Models: GCM 800 SJ, 8 SJL, 10 S, 10 SD, 12 SD.
Miter saws are universal tools for performing precise inclined, transverse and longitudinal cuts at a right or a given angle..Models: GCM 12 GDL, 12 JL, 10 J.
Circular saws are tools with multiple teeth for cutting hard materials. A circular saw is made in the form of a metal plate, on the working edge of which the teeth are located. It makes it possible to produce inclined, longitudinal and transverse cuts.Models:
GTM 12 JL;
GTS 10 J, 10 XC.
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